21 Nov Keysight & Checkpoint Technologies Partnership
The Wright brothers, John Lennon & Paul McCartney, Larry Page & Sergey Brin, Ben & Jerry. Partnerships are critical but more importantly they create change. Keysight, the innovator of Eggplant, and Checkpoint Technologies, where software quality is assured, have partnered to make software development, the CD/CI pipeline, and the QA testing process faster and bring applications to market quicker. The Eggplant AI-driven, lightning-fast test automation works to reduce manual QA tasks and errors while expanding automation to your entire testing process. This is now combined with Checkpoint Technologies decades of quality assurance and software testing experience. Keysight not only provides a functional testing solution but also offers a performance and monitoring insights solutions as well for a complete testing suite that can be integrated with virtually any platform. Additionally, Checkpoint Technologies is now certified in the Eggplant solutions to better serve the wants and needs of both Keysight and Checkpoint customers. For any additional information, demos, or solutions, please contact Checkpoint Technologies.