Agile projects help produce cleaner program code quicker by building testing into development. Thus, Agile often writes unit tests prior to code, continually reviews code through pair programming, and performs user story acceptance tests of small code implementations. Agile could do even better by also applying concepts and techniques of the powerful Proactive Testing(tm) process that identify numerous test conditions which traditional and test-driven approaches ordinarily overlook, including up to two-thirds of showstoppers and much of the extensive rework which terms like “refactoring” tend to obscure.
Robin works directly with and trains business and project professionals to get the right results right that their business needs via requirements analysis, quality and testing, software acquisition, project management and leadership, metrics, REAL ROI™, and process improvement. He is President and co-founder of Go Pro Management, Inc. consultancy. Robin is the author of the Artech House book, Discovering REAL Business Requirements for Software Project Success, the forthcoming Cut Creep—Write Right Agile User Stories and Acceptance Tests, and the Proactive Testing™, REAL ROI™, Beyond the Textbook™ methodologies.
He earned the following degrees: Kenyon College, A.B. with Honors in Psychology; Pennsylvania State University, M.S. in Psychology; Suffolk University, J.D.; Boston University, LL.M. in Tax Law. Mr. Goldsmith is a member of the Massachusetts Bar and licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.
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