Author: Chekcpoint Technologies

Agile methodologies bring big advantages to software development teams!  As described in an earlier blog. using Agile helps development teams improve their project management, transparency, and quality assurance (QA). As with any methodology, it's only effective if used right. What is it that makes an effective...

Agile project management methodologies bring a lot of benefits to Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) teams, as we covered in our previous blog . No SDLC method is 100% accurate, but Agile is helpful for steering the ship in the right direction to stay on course....

Agile project management is essentially a methodology created from a culmination of decades of software development life cycle (SDLC) practices into a more iterative and incremental way of developing software. The Agile methodology breaks down a large software project into iterative cycles of 2-4 weeks, which...

Following up my “wildly popular” LoadRunner update, I’m back for round 2! UFT has also been revamped with new, more intuitive names for the different flavors of UFT. New naming conventions: UFT One (originally UFT Enterprise): A comprehensive solution for functional test and regression test automation,...

It’s impossible to test all possible criterion and scenarios when performing validation.  Mathematically, it’s overwhelming!  Because of our focus to reach this unobtainable goal a common error is the creation of too many test cases.  Think about the issues and challenges this can cause.  Without...

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